What is a Climate Change Minister to do?
Last week, the government unveiled the first draft of its plan for how this country will lower emissions over the coming decades. The Emissions Reduction Plan lacks specifics but signals intent. Read more
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Last week, the government unveiled the first draft of its plan for how this country will lower emissions over the coming decades. The Emissions Reduction Plan lacks specifics but signals intent. Read more
Each year, the government gives away millions of emissions units to trade-exposed businesses under its Industrial Allocations (“IAs”) policy. The policy is narrow but deep. Read more
Matt Burgess joins host Ben Craven to discuss the government’s feebate policy which launches in April 2022. The policy is egregiously regressive. Read more
Who could begrudge giving more than $8,000 of public money to every proud owner of brand-new Tesla Model 3 cars? Just look at their smiles. Read more
The New Zealand Initiative supports the government’s emissions targets, including commitments under the Paris Climate Agreement and to net zero emissions of long-lived greenhouse gases from 2050. We consider the New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme (“ETS”) is among the world’s leading cap-and-trade systems for reducing greenhouse gases. Read more
This week the price of a New Zealand Unit of carbon credit passed $50 for the first time. Ben Craven speaks to Matt Burgess about why this happened, and what the increase in price will mean for consumers, emitters, and New Zealand’s environmental commitments. Read more
Freshwater politics is a nightmare. Long-term improvements in water quality depend on the development of systems that can withstand government and policy changes. Read more
Carl Hansen, the former Chief Executive of the Electricity Authority between 2010 and 2018, joins Matt Burgess to discuss what happened on the evening of 9 August when 35,000 homes lost power on the coldest night of the year. Carl explains how the blackout happened and the response to the event by the government. Read more
Providing future generations with rivers and aquifers at least as clean as our generation found them requires durable freshwater management systems that can stand the test of time. Regulatory measures can improve outcomes for now. Read more
Wellington (Monday, 23August 2021): Improving water quality requires more than short-term fixes, concludes a new report released today by the New Zealand Initiative. Any Government committed to improving New Zealand’s freshwater quality must build the institutions that can deliver it while withstanding changes in Government. Read more