Lessons from abroad South Koreas Covid 19 Containment Model 1

Research Note: Lessons from abroad: South Korea's Covid-19 Containment Model

As the world struggles to contain Covid-19, many countries are at different stages of containment and mitigation since registering their first 100 cases. Some, like South Korea, are more than a month further ahead compared with New Zealand and could offer a good example of what might be expected as New Zealand transitions out of Alert Level 4 lockdown. Read more

Joel Hernandez
Research Note
23 April, 2020
Research Note Deficit spending in a crisis why there is no such thing as a free lunch 1

Research Note: Deficit spending in a crisis: why there is no such thing as a free lunch

The New Zealand Initiative supports government deficit spending during the Covid-19 crisis on the basis that it is funded by conventional borrowing. This report explains why funding deficits by central bank credit creation with no credible timetable for reversing the situation is a route to financial disaster. Read more

Dr Bryce Wilkinson ONZM
Research Note
22 April, 2020
Lessons from abroad Singapores Covid19 Containment Model 1

Research Note: Lessons from abroad: Singapore’s Covid-19 Containment Model

Singapore has set a high standard for dealing with Covid-19 and despite its decision to enter a lockdown this week, New Zealand can learn a lot from the country, according to a new report Lessons from abroad: Singapore’s Covid-19 containment model from the New Zealand Initiative. Although Singapore has enacted a “circuit breaker” lockdown to defend against some new sources of coronavirus, it could make this choice due to its earlier efforts to identify, control and contain the pandemic threatening its territory. Read more

Research Note
8 April, 2020
How bad might the lockdown be for jobs and income 1

Research Note: How bad might the lockdown be for jobs and income?

If New Zealand can’t recover from the economic “heart attack” of self-imposed lockdown, it could face GDP losses at Great Depression levels, according to a New Zealand Initiative research note. While the Covid-19 pandemic has not ruined New Zealand’s economic capabilities, the lockdown has forced the country into an unprecedented productivity pause which the Initiative’s senior fellow Bryce Wilkinson says could slice away about $10,000 per household this year. Read more

Dr Bryce Wilkinson ONZM
Research Note
3 April, 2020
Policy Point Stay on Target 1

Policy Point: Stay on Target

The pandemic-induced recession creates a strong case for the Government to support struggling workers with targeted assistance, rather than a Universal Basic Income (UBI), according to the new policy paper Stay on Target by The New Zealand Initiative. As the Government searches for fresh and innovative ideas to prepare for the worst economic effects of shutting down the country’s commerce over four weeks, it has tentatively proposed the introduction of a universal basic income scheme. Read more

Dr Eric Crampton
Policy Point
27 March, 2020
Time to process 1

Policy Point: Time to Process

Asking the public for submissions on pending legislation while the country is in pandemic lockdown risks making a farce of democracy and unnecessarily distracting the Government, according to a new policy paper by the New Zealand Initiative. The business of government must go on, said the Initiative’s chief economist Dr Eric Crampton, but politicians can afford to put less urgent matters aside for the time being. Read more

Dr Eric Crampton
Policy Point
26 March, 2020
Policy Point Short time work to maintain employment 1 1

Policy Point: Short-time work to maintain employment

The Covid-19 outbreak is quickly developing into an economic crisis. Maintaining employment and the ability of firms to recover quickly when the crisis abates is critically important given that labour markets in several European countries are yet to fully recover from the Global Financial Crisis (GFC) of 2008. Read more

Policy Point
24 March, 2020

Annual Report 2019

The Prime Minister called 2019 “the year of delivery.” Later this year, voters will deliver their verdict on that statement and promise. At the Initiative, it was definitely a year of delivery for us. Read more

12 March, 2020
Insights and Excellence cover

Research Note: Insights and Excellence: School success in New Zealand

This research note is the third in a series of reports discussing the Initiative’s school performance tool and school evaluation in New Zealand. We present three case studies showing how three secondary schools performed before and after our tool separated the contribution of family background from the contribution of each school. Read more

Joel Hernandez
Research Note
9 March, 2020

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